Study in USA

About USA

The United States of America is the third largest country in the world in terms of area and population. The United States has been a superpower of the modern world, ever since the end of the second world war. The USA has 50 states and due to its federal system, the state governments enjoy extensive authority. The country is divided into six major regions - New England, Mid-Atlantic, the South, Mid-West, the South-West and the West (along with the Bahamas and Alaska) over 6 time zones.

The ‘American Dream’ has been a time old ideology that promotes equality of opportunity for every American enabling them to achieve the highest aspiration or goal. This ideology has encouraged a steady stream of immigrants since the 1830s coming in from all corners of the globe in search of a better life in America. Today, the USA is known for its diverse population made up of a few hundred cultures and ethnicities.

The United States has an amalgamation of diverse cultures and races, providing its students with a uniquely international experience. Moreover, it’s variety in terrain, climate and urban cultures is matched by almost no other nation. The USA The existing infrastructure and available technology are top-of-the-line, paralleled by none. Students with a higher education or research degree from American universities are sought after by the top-most institutions in almost all countries, no matter which field of study they come from.


The American climate is as diverse as its population. The overall climate is temperate, with exceptions such as the tundra climate of Alaska and tropical climates of Hawaii and South Florida. The weather is moderate on the coasts and gets more extreme as one moves away from the oceans. Most of the country experiences four distinct seasons - spring, summer, autumn and winter; however, the severity and duration depends on the latitudinal location of the region and its distance from the sea.

Significant Reasons to Study in USA

  • 1. World renowned academia:

    It is home to 3800 universities, many of which feature regularly in the list of top 10, 50 and 100 universities in the world. These academic institutions are world-renowned for their superior quality of education, world-class, industry-trained faculty and state-of-the-art research departments.

  • 2. Academic flexibility:

    The American education system offers flexibility to students to major in the field that interests them. At the undergraduate level, students can study a variety of subjects before they choose their major at the end of the second year. At the graduate level, you can customise your coursework to fit your academic goals.

  • 3. Career opportunities:

    An international degree adds a great amount of cache to your qualifications. Moreover, since the academic institutions of the USA are known to be ranked among the best, an international education widens the scope of job opportunities available to you.

  • 4. Cultural diversity:

    Universities in America are filled with students from all around the world. This cultural diversity allows you to network with foreign students and earn a global perspective.

  • 5. Superior technology and facilities:

    Apart from expert faculty, students have access to technologically advanced infrastructure. They have the superior quality research labs, well-stocked libraries and other facilities at the tip of their fingertips. This adds immense value to their training and exposure.

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