Pre - Departure Briefing

Making the shift from one country to another is a big one. The process is overwhelming and every single detail needs to be planned out. Vidhaan Pre-departure Briefing gives you all the information and assistance you need before you finally leave the country and begin your academic and professional journey.

Vidhaan helps you with accommodation, travel and health insurance to ensure a safe and smooth transition into your new home. We understand the guidelines set by academic institutes to create a safe and nurturing environment for international students. Through our pre-briefing services, we ensure that candidates are aware of the support and facilities that their respective institutes provide. When we are done with this process, candidates are well-prepared and know the exact course of action in case of urgent situations, medical or otherwise. We also provide details of various utility destinations, safe entertainment venues, telecommunication and banking services around their campus and accommodation.

A major part of the pre-departure agenda is familiarizing candidates of the local and cultural norms of the country they wish to study in to avoid culture shocks. It is important to learn about the customs, decorum and manner of things to avoid conflict or offense towards locals. We will also get you in touch with alumni from your chosen country and university so you can learn about their experiences and what you can expect.

In short, Pre-departure Briefing is a crash course in the country you wish to study/work in. We want to ensure that you are equipped with all the tools and knowledge required to thrive in your dream academic/professional destination.