Cost of Living in USA

The USA is one of the best academic destinations in the world. However, on making the decision to study there, students must consider the costs that come with it, and not just in the form of tuition fees. Living in a country like the USA can be expensive and recovering the cost may take more than a few years of hard-work. The overall expenses may depend on the university that one attends and the location of the university. Costs vary between metropolitan cities, suburban areas and rural areas.

The chunk of the expenses come from university tuition fees; hence, applying for scholarships is important. Another huge chunk is made up of accommodation, utilities and communication expenses which total upto an average of $1000-1500 per month. It is cheaper to look for university accommodation or share an apartment with other roommates.

On top of monthly expenses, students will incur everyday expenses such as grocery bills, transport costs and clothing. There are low cost options for each. Students enjoy discounts on monthly transport passes which cost about $50-60. Stores such as Target and Walmart provide inexpensive solutions to clothing and other needs. Moreover, with calculated measures, it is fairly easy to cut down costs.

Items Monthly Costs
Accomodation $200
Electricity $20
Groceries $150
International Calling Cards $15
Home Internet $15
Cell Phone $50
Restaurant Meals $75
Entertainment $100
Car Insurance $100
Petrol for Car $75
Weekend Activities $100
Shopping $100
Total $1000

List of cities with their estimated monthly expenses:

  • Boston (Massachusetts) & Miami (Florida): 1500-3000 USD
  • Atlanta (Georgia): 1200-2200 USD
  • Philadelphia (Pennsylvania): 800-1300 USD
  • Washington DC & New York: 1700-3000 USD
  • Los Angeles & San Francisco (California): 1500-2400 USD
  • Seattle (Washington): 1500-2500 USD
  • Chicago (Illinois): 1300-2500 USD
  • Dallas & Houston (Texas): 1000-2000 USD

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