Study in New Zealand

New Zealand is an island country located roughly 1,600 km south-east of Australia in the South Pacific Ocean. It is divided into the North and South islands along with several other smaller islands scattered around. Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand and Auckland is the largest metropolitan city. New Zealand is natural treasure with picturesque caves, deep glacier lakes, fjords, valleys and sandy beaches. The Southern Alps on the South island is well-known for its scenic beauty, making it a favourite among nature lovers. With a population of almost 50 lakhs, the country is largely made up of New Zealand Europeans as well as a considerably large minority community of Maoris (local Polynesian). Along with being the least corrupt country in the world, New Zealand prides itself in being a land full of diversity, opportunities and unique experiences.


Despite being the last sizable land mass suitable for inhabiting and settling, New Zealand has a highly varied climate, which is largely dependent on its latitudinal location. Most of the country lies within close proximity to the coast, resulting in mild temperatures throughout the year. The northern regions enjoy subtropical climate during the summer whereas the further inland alpine regions in the Southern island have recorded low temperatures as cold as -10°C in the winter. Due to New Zealand’s location south of the equator, January and February are its warmest months while July is the coldest. Its climate gets colder as one travels further south. The highest chances of rainfall in the country occur during the spring months from September to November when the weather begins to get warmer.

New Zealand provides the best of both worlds - benefits of a developed country with the natural outdoorsy charm of the countryside. International students enjoy quality education in a safe and secure environment around citizens who are known for their friendliness and hospitality. All these reasons make NZ an exceptional choice to further your academic goals!

Significant Reasons to Study in New Zeland

  • 1. World’s second-most peaceful country:

    NZ is ranked as the second-most peaceful country in the world, with the least amount of corruption and one of the best standards of living among developed countries.

  • 2. Globally renowned universities:

    All eight state-funded universities place in the top 3% of the world’s best university rankings.

  • 3. Multiple educational institutions:

    NZ imparts knowledge at academic, professional and vocational levels in universities, colleges, institutes of technology and polytechnics, secondary schools and private training institutions

  • 4. Varied study programs:

    Courses are available at all levels in multiple streams, ranging from technology and business to humanities and the sciences.

  • 5. Lower costs:

    Cost of education in NZ is upto 50% lower than the cost in developed countries such as the UK and USA

  • 6. Flexible entry requirements:

    Easy entry requirements and multiple intakes throughout the year provide a wider scope of admission of international students, with scholarships for students from over 90 countries.

  • 7. Strong governmental support:

    The quality of education provided by institutions in NZ is regulated by the New Zealand Qualification Authority (NZQA) giving local and international students confidence when choosing NZ as their academic destination.

  • 8. Work opportunities:

    NZ’s booming economy welcomes international graduates in their workforce with a plethora of opportunities, especially in the service sector.

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