Scholarships in New Zealand

New Zealand is highly supportive of international students pursuing higher education in their island nation and facilitates them with financial aid in the form of grants, funds and scholarships to promote their academic careers. These usually cover a student’s tuition fees and living expenses. Although there are different kinds of scholarships in New Zealand, all of them cover at half the tuition fees for eligible scholars.

There is reasonably high competition to access these scholarship funds made available to international students. However, the competitiveness for university-specific scholarships is relatively less than that for government grants. Student applicants are allocated a score between 0-8 for different components that are subject specific. Highest scorers are reviewed by a panel and awarded scholarships for each subject.

Successful scholarship candidates do not only excel at academics but also show considerable prowess in extra-curricular activities, sports and community services. Before you apply for a scholarship, you must:

  • Have an unconditional offer from a higher education institution in New Zealand
  • Check scholarship eligibility criteria and requirements
  • Have an English Proficiency test score that meets the minimum requirement
  • Register with New Zealand Scholarships online
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