Employment Opportunities in UK

Students studying in the UK can work up to 20 hours per week and full-time during vacations. They earn GBP 5-7 per hour, which comes up to GBP 400-560 per week. Part-time jobs are heavily advertised in newspapers and on campus, making it relatively easy for students to find a job.

The UK is the sixth-largest economy in the world, possessing a workforce of around 32 million people and an unemployment rate of 4%. The graduate employment space is competitive; however, candidates with the right qualifications, skills and experience have high chances of employment. Language skills are considered crucial criteria, giving foreign nationals an edge due to their multilingual skills. Due to diverse job sectors, good working conditions, numerous employment opportunities and globally popular metropolitan cities, the UK attracts hordes of candidates from across the world.

In September 2019, the United Kingdom made an announcement that allowed international students to stay in the country to work for two years after they graduate. This new two-year post-study work visa, which is a drastic change from the previous 4-6 month period, supports the ambitions of Indian graduates and opens up doorways to graduate immigration.

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