Employment in Canada

Employment Opportunities

Canada approximately welcomes over 2 lakh immigrants every year. Canada has an immigrant programme that facilitates immigrants to live and work in their country. It is an affordable country to live in and an excellent residential destination for those looking for a better quality of work and life. .

Canada’s resources enable it to provide employee benefits, healthcare benefits, family benefits, compassionate care benefits, maternal care benefits and childcare benefits, giving every resident the opportunity to live a healthy and content life.

Moreover, finding work in Canada makes one eligible for other benefits:

  • Becoming eligible for and/or gaining more points under the Skilled Worker/Professional Program for permanent residency in Canada
  • Expediting the application process for Canadian permanent residency
  • Qualifying under one of Canada’s Provincial Nominee Program

Work on Campus

To work on campus without a work permit, the student must have:

  • a full time postsecondary student status at approved colleges and universities
  • a valid Study Permit
  • Social Insurance Number

There are no work hour limits on campus unlike the 20-hour per week limit set for off campus jobs.

Work off Campus

To work off campus without a work permit, the student must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Full time student at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI)
  • Post-Secondary academic, vocational or professional training program
  • Study permit specifies you can work off campus
  • Minimum 6 months study program leading to a diploma or a degree
  • Social Insurance Number (SIN)

International students in Canada can work off campus for up to 20 hours a week when the semester is on and full-time during vacations. It is pertinent to note that one can only start working in Canada when they start their study program. One cannot work before studies begin. A student can choose free to work overtime or work 2 part-time jobs that add up to a higher than usual number of hours.

Work as a Co-op Student or Intern

The student will need to get a work permit if your study program includes a required co-op or internship placement. Some study programs include work experience as part of their curriculum. Students can apply for a co-op or intern work permit if the following conditions are satisfied:

  • Valid Study Permit
  • Work is required for completion of study program in Canada (mandatory letter from the school)
  • Co-op placement or internship totals 50% or less of your study program

Students aren’t eligible for a co-op work permit if they are taking English or French as a second language (ESL/FSL), general interest courses, or courses to prepare for another study program

Work after Graduation

Once students receive their Letters of Completion, they must stop working immediately. To extend their stay in Canada, they must pursue another course/program or apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit - a permit that allows students to remain in Canada and work for up to 3 years after they graduate from a Canadian postsecondary education institution. A PGWP helps students set up their careers and gain work experience in Canada. Moreover, PGWP goes a long way in acquiring Permanent Residence.

To be eligible for the same, the student must have:

  • Completed a program of study that lasted at least eight months and led to a Degree,Diploma or Certificate
  • Studied full-time each academic session (excludes scheduled breaks), with two Exceptions:
    • You studied part-time in your final academic session only
    • You took an authorized gap in studies for less than 150 days

The application for PGWP must be filed within 90 days after receiving the Letter of Completion whilst the study permit is still valid. If a student fails to do so, they can apply within 180 days after receiving Letter of Completion, provided:

  • The student has previously held a valid student permit
  • The student has applied:
    • For visitor status before the study permit became invalid
    • To restore your temporary resident status
    • From outside Canada

The student will not be allowed to work in the interim period till he awaits a decision on his PGWP application if he applied for the same after his first 90 days.

Important things to consider after receiving your PGWP:

  • Extend your BC Medical Services Plan (MSP)
  • Apply for or extend your Social Insurance Number (SIN)
  • Apply for a new Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) or Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA), if required
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